Monday, October 2, 2017

The Power of Story!
I remember the day I listened to my daughter read me a personal story.  It was her story, specifically a chapter in which she shared that she was Gay.  Somehow, I was completely ignorant of this important piece of my daughter's life.  It was a tough story for this Christian Mom to take in.  It was a tougher one for my daughter to tell!  Yet it opened up my heart to a huge blind spot...and ultimately to my God-given purpose... To encourage and connect those who feel left out or alone.

Sometimes a story needs to get personal before it can bypass the mind and lodge in the heart.

Do you have a story to share?  Has a story impacted your life in a profound way?  Have you ever had the desire to write or speak your story to the world?  Are you simply a lover of stories?

If so... I want to invite you to a very special event in Charlotte, NC on Nov. 4th... click away!

"The Power of Story" For Writers and Other Communicators. With Author/Master Storyteller, Steven James!

Please join us as we listen and learn and enjoy the company of other's who appreciate Story!

The link above has more info and a place to sign up!  

Hope to personally welcome YOU...And Your Stories on November 4th!
