A while ago my beautiful daughter bravely shared a secret that had tormented her for years:
"Mom and Dad, I'm Gay"
These few simple words were the equivalent of a bomb being dropped upon my heart. Homosexuality was something I never expected would touch our family, certainly something I never wanted for my girl, It was a topic I never cared to understand, these were people I never bothered to get to know...until now. Now it's personal.
I am a writer. I process life by journaling, seeking direction from my God and my Faith. As I sought to figure out this new reality, It occurred to me that there may be other folks out there who have had their own kids, or other friends or family members come to them with this new revelation.
*Are you a parent who is hurting, and confused and wondering how your child arrived at this revelation?
*Do you feel like you somehow "failed" as a parent or caused your loved one to "choose" homosexuality?
*Do feelings of shame, guilt or remorse overwhelm you?
*If you are Gay, are you feeling alone and broken because your parents, siblings, friends, etc. keep trying to "fix you" or talk you out of feeling as you do?
* Are you feeling bullied or hopeless because you are "different"
*Do you feel conflicted between supporting your gay son or daughter and following your faith or convictions?
* Do you have questions about Salvation?
Every person's experiences are unique to them & perhaps our views and beliefs about homosexuality differ, but I hope that this can be a place of authenticity, safety and unconditional love as we sort out the often messy, occasionally confusing, sometimes hurtful, usually happy, mostly rewarding but always changing issues of family life!
My daughter and I have come through some rough patches. Her Dad and I have made mistakes and said things we later wished we hadn't...I imagine she has too. Yet we have decided to "agree to disagree" in matters of homosexuality. We both have decided that it's OK to not have all the answers figured out and wrapped with a bow. We just love each other. That's all, and that's enough.
We have made a choice to not judge each others beliefs and convictions. We are free to hold our own beliefs and values without fearing the other will condemn us for them. We choose instead, to focus on the great love and respect we have for one another as individuals created in the image of a good and perfect God.
Rooted in Faith,
...and Sent Forth with Love.
You are welcome to link arms with us on the journey!