Tuesday, December 9, 2014

You should know that I excel as a procrastinator. I have been working on my first book;  Dandelion Winds - Rooted in Faith. Released to Love.  For a LONG time! Years!  I suppose I finally got tired of dabbling in it and realized that there are parents and gay kids our there who really need a book like this. (I know I did)  My procrastination began to feel like rebellion and down right selfishness as I thought of the wasted time that I could have been focused on the work before me. I thought of other mom's who lay awake nights wishing they could talk to another mom who has "been there" or at least hear their story...and maybe not feel so alone.

So I am committed to finish the manuscript as a Christmas present to Jesus, myself, my daughter and You!  I would appreciate your prayers as I press in the finish strong!

Also I am having a book cover contest!


Calling all graphic design, artistic types! 
I’m having a preliminary book cover contest! 
1. Use the attached picture as background for one of your submissions but you can add your own background ideas on subsequent submissions.
2. Title: Dandelion Winds
3. Subtitle: Rooted in Faith. Released to Love.
4. Author name: Kimberly James Dent
My target audiences:
1.Parents of Gay kids -To Encourage
2.Church and ministry leaders/Pastors who wish to engage in dialogue re: homosexuality - To Educate
3. LGBTQ people - To Reconcile Relationships
My Tag Line:
"Dandelions are firmly rooted yet, they freely release their seed to heavenly winds. Love suggests we do the same."
Incorporate a drawing or graphic of a dandelion with its seeds blowing out into the wind..could be woven into the title graphic or font?
Deadline for submissions is Next Monday Dec.15th!  Send your book covers in PDF format to my  email: DandelionWindsTheBook@gmail.com
Winner will be announced on Weds Dec 17th! Winner will get a free signed copy of the book when it is released and a chance to be the final cover designer of Dandelion Winds!
On Your Mark, Get Set....GO!
28 people reached

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